
FMod Music in C++

Using FMod To Play Mod or Midi Music in Visual C++

Below is an example of how to use FMod to play mod or midi music in Microsoft Visual C++.

FMod Includes

Firstly we include "fmodvc.lib" for Visual C++:
#pragma comment(lib, "fmodvc.lib")

And the "fmod.h" header file:
#include "fmod.h"

FMod Initialisation

To initialise FMod, we need to tell it the frequency, channels and any flags:
FSOUND_Init(44100, 32, 0));
So the first parameter is the output frequency in hertz, the second is the channels and the third is for FMod flags.

Load Music

First we set up an FMUSIC_MODULE variable (Song_1 in the below example) for our first music file:

Now we load the music file ("song1.mod" in the below example) into our variable:
Song_1 = FMUSIC_LoadSong("song1.mod");

Play Music

We can set the volume that we want our song to play at with the following line:
FMUSIC_SetMasterVolume(Song_1, 200);
The second parameter gives the volume with 0 being the minimum and 256 the maximum.

To start our song playing we use:

The following will stop the music playing:

Close Down FMod

When you are finished with the song you should use the following line to free the memory for the song:

And the following line to shut down FMod:

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