Conrad Dangerous
Conrad Dangerous

Conrad Dangerous

Conrad Dangerous is a freeware platform game. Although some of the art and sound effects in Conrad Dangerous are similar to the Rick Dangerous games, the gameplay is more like Rick Dangerous meets Mario Brothers, as there is a lot of running, jumping and shooting and the screen scrolls with Conrad.

Conrad can also swim and you can use the mouse to aim where he shoots his lasers. There are four eras containing 12 levels and there are over 30 enemies. Conrad Dangerous uses OpenGL graphics, wav sounds and mod music. It was programmed in C++ using OpenGL, Directsound and FMod libraries.

Conrad Dangerous Screenshots

Conrad Dangerous title screen Conrad Dangerous first level Conrad Dangerous forest Conrad Dangerous swimming

Conrad Dangerous Videos

Conrad Dangerous Information

How to Play
Use the cursor keys to move
Press space to shoot directly in front of you
Use the mouse to aim and shoot (you only have a limited number of shots with the mouse)
Press "b" to toggle backgrounds on/off
Press "m" to toggle music on/off
Press the Esc key to quit

The bats are friendly and will not hurt you but all of the other characters will hurt you
You can duck under some enemies' projectiles by crawling

OpenGL graphics (If the game runs very slowly it probably means you need to install OpenGL drivers for your video card. OpenGL drivers are usually included with the drivers provided by your card's manufacturer.)
Mouse aiming
Mod music and wav sounds

Conrad Dangerous made by Ben Wagner
Levels by Ben Wagner, Melissa Davies and Charles Scheuber
Music by Mick Rippon
Art by Ari Feldman

Download Conrad Dangerous

Download Conrad Dangerous (1.3mb)

After downloading, simply unzip the file to a folder (e.g., "C:\Games\Conrad") and run "Conrad.exe". There is no install since Conrad Dangerous makes no changes to your system whatsoever; it is portable and leaves no footprint.

Conrad Dangerous Reviews

Conrad Dangerous Review
Translation of a review by

Do you remember Maupiti Island? Probably the most difficult adventure even seen. Playing this game to the end without using a walkthrough made you a game god. You don't remember? It's normal, it's been more than 10 years since the release of that game. How is this intro connected with today's reviewed game Conrad Dangerous, which is obviously (surely you've already looked at the pictures) (everyone looks at the pictures first) of a completely different genre? Difficulty, ladies and gentlemen, that's the point. Each one of four levels (which are further divided into several sub-levels) is damn difficult and it will not be easy to finish them. You will be destroying the keyboard, insulting the monitor and trying to destroy that damn turtle using your laser gun. And you will enjoy it, it's a personal guarantee. Conrad Dangerous surprised me with perfect gameplay, great graphics and surprising visual effects. Definite thumbs up!

Score: 4/5


Mick Rippon Music
The webpage of Mick Rippon who made the music you hear in Conrad Dangerous. Lots of great tracks to listen to and download for free.

Rick Dangerous Resurrected
The best Rick Dangerous website on the internet. It has all kinds of information about all the Rick Dangerous games.

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